
日本舞踊5大流派の1つ「西川流」宗家直門師範 扇若会会主

1982年横浜市生まれ 幼少時より父、西川扇三郎 祖母、西川扇豊より指導をうけ、18歳の時西川流の名取を戴く。以降人間国宝である西川扇藏師に指導をうけ、本格的に日本舞踊家の道に進む。 歌舞伎座 国立劇場等多数の舞台に出演する一方、芸者衆をはじめとする弟子の育成に力を入れている。 テレビ等での所作指導も担当。現在、新宿(東京)柏(千葉)守谷(茨城)会津若松(福島)にて指導中



人間国宝 西川扇藏師に内弟子修行後 会津若松で日本舞踊の指導にあたる。数多くの振付に従事して、福島国体のオープニング公演「会津の四季」の振りつけも担当。現在宗家西川流福島県支部の支部長。毎年扇若会浴衣会、4年に1度扇若会舞踊公演を開催

◆扇若会とは  西川扇豊によって作られた、日本舞踊の継承の為の団体。年に1回の浴衣会を初め4年に1回の舞踊会の開催。各イベントの参加、現在は扇三郎 寛を中心に、活動中。

Kan Nishikawa

Nihon Buyo professional dancer and Grand Master from Nishikawa-ryu school.

Kan Nishikawa was born on January 14, 1982 in Yokohama Japan. Raised by his Grand Master Senzaburo Nishikawa (Father) and Grand Master Sentoyo Nishikawa(Grand mother). He started to learn Nihon Buyo at the age of four and became Grand Master Kan Nishikawa at the age of 18.  He is now performing at nationwide venues such as Kabukiza Theatre and National Theatre under the guidance of Grand Master Senzo Nishikawa(Living National Treasure)

Kan Nishikawa is teaching Nihon Buyo to many people including Geisha group at Shinjuku(Tokyo),Kashiwa(Chiba),Moriya(Ibaraki) and Aizu Wakamatsu(Fukushima).

He also instruct how to move or dance with kimono like Edo-era for TV/Movie shooting. 

Danseur professionnel de Nihon Buyo (art traditionnel de la danse et du mime japonais) et Grand Maître de l’école Nishikawa-ryu (l’une des écoles considérées comme majeures au Japon). Kan Nishikawa est né le 14 Janvier 1982 à Yokohama au Japon. Formé par le grand maître Senzaburo Nishikawa (son père) et le grand maître Sentoyo Nishikawa (sa grand mère), il commence à apprendre le Nihon Buyo à l’âge de 4 ans et devient Grand Maître Kan Nishikawa à ses 18 ans. Il danse dans divers cadres à niveau national: au théâtre Kabuki-za et au Théâtre National sous l’égide du grand maître Senzo Nishikawa (Trésor National Vivant du Japon).

Kan Nishikawa enseigne le Nihon Buyo, entre autres, dans des maisons de Geisha: à Shinjuku (Tokyo), Kashiwa (Chiba), Moriya (Ibaraki) et à Aizu Wakamatsu (Fukushima). Il forme également à l’art du mouvement et de la danse en kimono, dans le style de l’ère Edo, pour des tournages télé/cinema.


What is Nihon Buyo?

Nihon buyo means Japanese dance. The original form of “nihon buyo” is recorded in Japan’s oldest history book “Kojiki” that was completed in 712. It begins with early dance traditions such as Mai and Odori, with major development in the early Edo period (early 17th century) in the form of kabuki dances, which incorporated elements from the older dance genres. There are numerous schools of Nihon buyo, but only five of these are considered major schools: 1. Nishikawa-ryu 2.Hanayagi-ryu 3. Fujima-ryu 4.Wakayagi-ryu 5. Bando-ryu